Lighter/Darker Acrylic 8x10" Click to Buy
This painting was part of a weekly painting "challenge" I do just for fun, that I mentioned in an earlier post (Blue Imperial). The requirement this week was to paint a Zippo lighter in two colors only - Ultramarine Blue and Burnt Sienna (a reddish-brown color) plus white. It was not something that I would normally do - I love color, so this 2 color limitation felt a bit dry from the get go. But what the heck - try something new, right? Here is a link to the painting challenge site, where you can see the photo we all worked from, and the other artists' entries. I don't normally use Burnt Sienna on my palette, so I tried to create it by mixing Cadmium Red Medium (didn't have Cad red light, either) plus black. Not exactly the real Burnt Sienna, but whatever... sometimes you have to make do.
Lighter, Darker
8x10 Acrylic on Canvas
You made do quite nicely. This was one of my favorites in that group of paintings.
One of my favorite also. Love your work!
I really like these colors!!
yours is da best, Patti!
Just found your blog/site through the challenge. I love your work. I entered the Zippo challenge too, but didn't know about the two color requirement - oops.
Loved reading about your chickens too. I'll be back.
Thanks ALL! after I was done I was wishing I actually had the burnt sienna because its such a warm tone and my concocted version was not as colorful. but whatever - on to the next ... it was interesting to paint in 2 colors - had to make it more a little more interesting by digging into my "brushwork" bag of tricks.
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