My posting has been less than daily lately... I have been working diligently on commercial assignments. Since January I have been writing a book about Acrylic paints and painting techniques, to be published and distributed in stores in October 2011. It's a very time consuming endeavor - but quite enjoyable as well. Truth be known, I am a bit behind schedule, so the daily painting takes a hit till I get caught up.
I'm also producing a line of posters and prints for a large art publisher / distributor to mass market retail stores like Bed Bath Beyond, Target, Pier 1, etc. One of the series we are working on is "Pet Fashion". This is a digital illustration I completed yesterday, an entirely different style than the Fast, Loose, Bold style I normally paint in. It's art, and it's done daily - so I'm posting it! All in all, there are about 25 paintings, mostly acrylics, a few digital, included in the collection. To see the line of prints and posters, check your local "big box" store this summer...
Fashion Gal with Cool Pooch
Digital Illustration
Patti, this painting is absolutely fabulous. Love, love, love the colors. Can't wait for your book on acrylics. The subject matter is one that is badly needed.
Thanks Jerry! I think acrylics are somewhat misunderstood and offer lots of avenues for creativity that are impossible in oils, due to the dry time factor. I'm looking forward to sharing in my book, some easy ways to get started playing with this really wonderful medium.
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