Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Cleaning Crew

"Cleaning Crew"   6x6"  Acrylic on Gessoboard  Click to buy
Uh-oh, I'm at it again, snagging the cleaning products in my studio building. Hope no one needed the Dr. Bronner's handwash, Murphy's Oil Soap or the water mister tonight...they will just have to forgive this artist who could not resist their alluring colors.


Pointy Bird Studio - Leesa Padget said...

this sounds silly, but I really love the spout on the handwash dispenser :) Leesa

Bruce Bingham said...

I love the spooky shadow, perfect for Halloween :0

Christine said... make it look so interesting and sparkly!

Patti Mollica said...

thanks you guys and happy halloween!

cath carbone said...

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