Thursday, October 30, 2014

Cheries Amour

"Cheries Amour"   11x14"  Acrylic on Paper

I'm getting ready to leave town to teach a 5 day "Loosen up" workshop in Carmel, then a 3 day beginner workshop in San Clemente. Wanted to do some warm up exercises and started with one cherry, then another emerged, then suddenly I had cherries on the brain and couldn't stop painting them. They provide an easy way to observe highlights, form shadows, cast shadows, reflected light, reflections, halftones, etc. When I get to CA I will be buying fruits and vegetables as props for the workshop... Cherries are at the top of my list ... edible, tasty props... love 'em!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Friday, October 24, 2014

Ciao Tuscany!

"Boat at Lake Trasimeno"  Acrylic 8x10" Sold
The Tuscany trip was a pure delight, made more so by the awesome group of gals who joined me. They were a fearless, inspired bunch, and it was such a pleasure to spend a week with them. The scenery was to die for - the reason Tuscany is a must-paint destination for artists. I did not have much "focused" time to paint, but did manage to squeeze in a few quickies. Here is a demo from the day we went to beautiful Lake Trasimeno. A quick painting from a trip that will last in my heart for many years to come. Here is a picture of all of us - enjoying the many tastes as well as the sights!