Friday, April 10, 2015

A Day at the Beach

"Beach Scene"  Acrylic  11x14
I've been painting beach scenes lately... that must mean I'm getting ready for winter to be over. I'm also getting ready to teach my "Bending Reality" color schemes workshop in North Carolina. You can see from the photo below, I bent the colors and composition quite a bit.


Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

so cool!!!!!

Patti Mollica said...

Thank you Sue!!

Suzy Pal Powell said...

Love it. I watched your you tubes and was wondering what blues you use. I especially liked the lighter one.

Patti Mollica said...

Thanks Susy! ultramarine/cerullean/thalo are on my palette :=)

Suzy Pal Powell said...

Thanks Patti!

Anonymous said...

Hi,Patti: Do you take own photos from still lifes you set up? I love your paintings and have your books, dvds and marvelous brushes.

Linda said...

Love it!

Patti Mollica said...

Thanks Oksanna and Linda! Yes, I do take photos from still life set ups, and also work from life, esp. still life paintings. Glad you like the books and dvds!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

loving these beach scenes!