Friday, February 25, 2011

Plant Spritzer

I've been eyeing this little plant spritzer every time my husband sprays the Hibiscus. I fear I'm falling into a dimension where everything in life is cleverly disguised as a painting prop. I've never heard anyone describe that but for the severely obsessed painter, it surely must be a well traveled route? I can only hope I'm not alone in this...

Plant Spritzer
6x6" Acrylic on Gessoboard


  1. I understand; when I was preaching, I saw many things as a stories, and ideas for sermons.

  2. yup - its true - the world is a reflection of our minds :-) ... nothing is safe around our house anymore, anything with an interesting shape or texture gets hijacked to my studio.

  3. Great little painting - I love your loose brushwork on this, the lighter and the tulips!
