Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sweets From My Sweetie

My sweetie often comes home after a music gig with a little gift - last week he brought a box of chocolates. My first reaction is that they are too pretty to eat, but would make a beautiful painting so I put them in the freezer till the time comes. Finally... time to indulge!
Oil on Gessoboard 6x6"
Price on Request


  1. Great painting.I have a similar piece but with a taffy theme posted on my blog.Same color schem.Delish!

  2. Wonderful and delicious painting in every way.

  3. thanks Kim :-)

    yes, I saw your piece, Giselle, its awesome! Please come to the jazz n' sketch night on wednesday nights sometime - you'll love it!

  4. I love the bright, happy reds that you chose to paint this painting. So pretty and attractive. I am inspired to paint something in that same vein today!!!
    Thank you for your art!!!
    X O
