Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Rochester workshop

"...On the road again".... I hope I won't be singing that tune anytime soon. I've been on the road since February 7, and finally pulled in my own driveway last night at 9 PM. My days and nights were spent teaching at colleges and art associations in several upstate NY cities, then spending a few days recently with my parents in Syracuse, NY. The first thing I did when I got home, to wind down and relax, was pull out my trusty paints and push color around. Ahhhh.... this is my idea of "home".
I'm posting a picture from the last workshop I taught in Rochester NY. They were a great group of gals to work with, and some of them are showing off their 15 minute paintings in the photo...they didn't believe it could be done. Trying out acrylic paint and using big brushes was a new experience for many of them, especially the watercolorists - but they caught on quickly! I provided all the paint, so there was no excuse to skimp. Thick paint, fat brushes, little time, big fun!

Pitcher and Tangerine
9x9" Acrylic on Paper, Price on Request


  1. Very nice Patti! God I don't know how you do it all. I just want to stay put and paint!!

  2. Great painting, and you know how much I want to be one of your students.

  3. I wanna take one of your classes! Sounds like fun!

  4. Hey gals, great to hear from you - my schpeel at these workshops - if you have 15-30 minutes a day to spare you have plenty of time to do a painting - so i have to practice what I preach. but these quickies are fun, no question about that. and if they turn out bad, who cares, no big time investment, no big loss...
