Monday, April 14, 2014

Still life painting demo

"Happy Family"  Acrylic  8x10" Purchase Info
This weekend I taught a "How to paint fast, loose and bold" workshop. Here is my demo from the first day. We had a fun group and everyone did plenty of exercises to loosen up by using less strokes, bigger brushes, more paint, and working faster. Thats always the hard part - getting everyone to load up their paint brushes with lotsa paint. I tell them to pretend they have stock in the paint company. And when that doesn't work I've got an exercise or two up my sleeve that makes it impossible to "dab" with small brushes. Pictured below is our happy family from the Art League of Nassau County, plus Katie from Michigan hovering above (who took the photo).


  1. Fun, fun, fun!
    Looks like a great group!

  2. just discovered your work through the artist network email list....

    love your urban landscapes... beautiful compositions and such vibrant colors.


  3. Thanks Janett Marie and Roy! yes, it was a fun group :-)
