Thursday, May 8, 2014

Ivory Teapot

"Ivory Teapot"  Acrylic  8x8"  SOLD
Acrylics have a bad rap for not lending themselves to soft edges. Not true. Here I was messing around with OPEN Gels and paints. Luscious and painterly edges that fade and feather beautifully.


  1. Lovely indeed! Which Golden gels and/or mediums do you like?

  2. Thanks guys. for this piece i used Golden OPEN paints - they dry slow. I also used OPEN Gel - i spread it on the surface before I started painting so that the edges would be soft and the paint would flow easily. it felt like oil! but without the mess :-)

  3. Wonderful. That was one of the things that drew me to you was how your acrylics looked like oils. I am very flattered when someone tells me they think my acrylic painting is oil.
