Thursday, September 18, 2014

Using a (very) Limited Palette

"Tuscany Sunflower Field"  10x12"  Acrylic  $300  Click to Buy

The time has come... I'm packing for the Italy trip. In an effort to keep the weight to a minimum, I was experimenting with a limited palette. I used 4 colors in this painting. (Plus white, if you consider that a color.) Purple, green, ochre and alizarin.  Yup, that's all! It's amazing how few colors one can get away with and still represent a scene realistically. Not that I will be bringing only four colors, but it was an interesting exercise. One of the benefits of a limited palette - automatic color harmony. The other - way less schlepping!


  1. OH, Happy Day! Please post from there, Patti, we will be living vicariously through you~enjoy!

  2. Amazing. I need to learn more about ochre.
    Thanks Patti, you are such an inspiration to me!
    Have loads of fun in Italy... one day, I hope to join you on one of those trips!

  3. Kelley, Janette and Sue - thanks so much!! I will definately post from italy - wish i could bring you all in my suitcase LOL! thanks for your kind words, much appreciated, gals :-)

  4. how exciting. I can't wait to hear about your trip.

  5. A perfect example of how color can be used expeditiously ! Bon voyage

  6. I'm new to painting and I don't feel very confident about choosing colors. I'm intrigued with your limited color paintings. How do you go about selecting the four colors you will use in such a painting?
