Thursday, November 27, 2014

Colorful Corn

"Indian Corn"  9x12", Acrylic  More Info
Wishing everyone abundance and peace on this day of gratitude. I for one am eternally grateful to be able to see this beautiful world from an artist's eyes, and to have the opportunity of sharing this vision with others. Such a blessing!


  1. I love this Patti,and I especially appreciate the fact that you've reintroduced me to loving acrylics again!

  2. thanks adriana - yes, they (acrylics) are such fun!

  3. My painting students still talk about "corn day" from a few years ago when they arrived for class and I had nailed corn, like yours, to the clapboards of our art association's barn. The students quickly learned how fast the shadows change out in the sun. You handled the subject beautifully.

  4. Hi Jody! I too brought these corns to a class I was teaching, it was a studio setting so we didn't have any changing light. the students had a very difficult time with them and i decided to give them simpler subjects (vases and fruits) from now on. However I liked painting them!
