Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Playing with Color Notes

"Jazzy Nude" Acrylic on paper
In early December I went to Florida to attend a 5 day conference sponsored by Golden Paints. The event included presentations by my colleagues on topics such as internet marketing, how to plan travel workshops, intuitive painting techniques, mixed media and collage, and much more. I learned so much my head is exploding.

One of my favorite workshops had us start out in an abstract, spontaneous manner, using a variety of mark making dry and wet materials, and gradually rein in the painting. Here is one of my paintings using that technique. The reference I used was a traditional figure painting I did back in the '90s, painted very realistically. I started out with a quick sketch and explored from there. It's an interesting approach that lends itself to abstraction, intuition and imagination ... a very enjoyable process!


  1. fabulous - thinking about moving more abstract and this is a beautiful and inspiring painting! go with gusto!!!

  2. Thank you Johanna. New directions are always needed every now and then!

  3. Hello, Patty,

    I feel as if I "know" you, given that I own all of your books and DVDs, and follow you via eamils. I am an instructor in a relativley rural area north of Seattle. I teach in Senior Centers, and love the simplicity, yet power-packed lessons in both your books and DVDs.

    Your current post struck me personally, because I have recently started doing a series of abtracts to get out of that "student" look of my work. I find that the process is as exciting as working toward any particular result with my more traditional painting.

    As with most of us, I have done my share of life-drawing open studios and classes, but don't know what to do with all those drawings. Occasionally, I will work one or two of the drawings into a painting, but they usually aren't very exciting. So, I am going to try combining some of my figure drawings with abstracts. Thanks so much!


    Dee Doyle

  4. It's me again, Patti,

    First, I spelled your name wrong [my mother's name was Patty, so I did that automatically!].

    I just wanted to let you know that most of my acrylic students have bought your books and DVDs, at my suggestion, and we will be using your Color Theory book for the first part of my January-February classes. So good for all experience levels!

    Thanks again!

  5. Sue M -- thank you!!
    Dee - thanks for your thoughts - i know exactly what you mean. moving into a more abstract genre is so opposite of how the representational world works - i suppose it will get more natural with time. Trying anything new always feels awkward at first. good luck with your journey and glad you like my videos/books! happy new year!
