Sunday, January 16, 2011

Golden Artist Colors - Gels, Pastes, and Grounds Demonstration

Today I did a demonstration for the Scarsdale Art Association on Golden Pastes, Grounds and Gels. Basically this was about how these Golden products can be used as grounds (as a surface to paint on) and mediums (mixed in with the paint). Every year I get invited to do a demonstration for their artists and I usually do a "Fast, Loose and Bold" painting. This year I offered them the option of teaching a mini-lecture on how these various products can provide new and interesting surfaces and textures they can integrate into their paintings. The lecture went very well - LOTS of questions about the products and the correct way to use them.
Its very fulfilling for me to share this information, because I myself find these options so exciting. The more I work with them, the more I think of new ways to use them. I have never considered myself drawn to working in thinner type watercolor-style paintings... until now. My niche is all about thick paint. Will that change? Probably not. But the fact that I so thoroughly enjoyed working on these various grounds made me realize that I want to work with them more. For instance, when I travel or paint en plein air, schlepping around a suitcase full of heavy body paints is, well.. heavy. Working in a watercolor style would lighten my load immensely. The thought I had while painting in this very fluid style was that "the painting is painting itself" - the colors were flowing and mixing and pooling in the grooves of the texture - wow - its so cool. And it felt really natural and... fun. I feel like I just discovered a treasure chest full of toys. Can't wait to get into the studio and play with them more! I'm looking forward to teaching hands-on workshops in these products, which will be posted here on my blog as I start adding them into my schedule. I will be co-teaching a hands-on workshop about Golden products in Boston this coming weekend with a friend of mine, and very much looking forward to it.


  1. Just so cool! I was excited to hear you were going to be doing this and I love your demos! They do have wonderful products and I love playing with them too. Great job!

  2. Thanks Denise - the more I play with these products the more I realize what cool effects you can get with them. i LOVE the fiber paste and the Light Molding paste. Slap it on with a palette knife, let it dry and they provide a lucious, absorbant surface with really cool texture. Absorbant Ground is a silky surface, very absorbant with a beautiful slight tooth to it, it grabs the washes and blends the passages so smoothly. new toys i'm having fun playing with :-)

  3. Nice post Patti. Golden should hire you to give these talks! I never knew all this stuff.

  4. Hi Angie - they did! I'm a "Golden Working Artist", was trained this year in all their products and mediums. I keep meaning to post this on my blog, thanks for the reminder. Here is the description:

  5. So interesting to hear that you are a "Golden Working Artist". I love to attend Golden Working Artist lectures/workshops when I get the chance; they are truly wonderful and I've learned so much! The workshop I did was how to make acrylics look like oils; which I just loved! Also, I love the free hand-painted color charts and mixing guide you guys hand out during the lectures.
