Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Jazz n' Sketch

As some of you may know, my husband is a jazz musician, (acoustic and electric bass) so going to his gigs is a perfect way to practice fast sketching. I'm going to be putting together a "Jazz 'n Sketch" night on Wednesday nights - starting March 2, tomorrow - at a local tavern where the best musicians in NYC come together to jam. Click here for details if you or anyone you know wants to join us. Fabulous music, great atmo, hip people - what's not to love?

Jazz Cats
Pen/pencil on paper

Your comments are welcome! Please share them with the group via the comment link on the blog page (rather than by email, as my e-mailbox runneth over). How? Click on the link at the bottom of the email, which goes to my blog page, then click on the "comment" link below. Thanks!

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