Sunday, February 26, 2012

Partners in Grime

OMG Mr. Clean is still around! Where have I been? (clearly not spending much time in the cleaning aisle at the grocery store). He's still looking great after all these years... how does he do it?  I found him hiding out under the bathroom sink at my studio building and quietly abducted him and his pal AJAX. So much for clean living - nothing is safe around me...  

Partners in Grime
Oil on Board, 8x8" Price on request


  1. Beautiful colors, and what a great idea for a series. Who knew cleaning agents could be such interesting subject matter?

  2. Patti, what a great piece. Such a striking composition and l'm crazy about the shining colors. Well done!

  3. I love these two pieces of mundane household items. They look so jazzy in both paintings. So clever.

  4. These cleaning product paintings are dynamic and fabulous! Love your colour sense and brushwork Patti.

  5. These cleaning paintings are just great! You do shiny surfaces better than anyone I know!

  6. This is GREAT! So different and love the way it's painted.

  7. Beautiful and exciting painting and color harmony. So sorry about Mimi.

  8. This is great! love the energy in your brushstrokes

  9. thankyou, all! this must take the cake for late response, i got completely caught up in the medical issues with my dog, and all blogging etiquiette went right out the window. since then, she has passed on, sadly, but there is light at the end of the tunnel with our new loving pooch. thanks again for your nice comments.
