Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Day of Monoprinting

Yesterday I taught a "Monoprinting Without a Press" workshop in West Hartford, Ct. The class caught on to the printing techniques very quickly and each did a series of beautiful, unique prints. Some of the ghost prints (the second image pulled from the same plate) were even better than the originals.  The monoprinting process lends itself to more abstract imagery and designs, one never knows exactly what they're creating until they pull the print - thats the mystery which makes the process so exciting! Above are a series I did in preparation for the class, as well as a photo of my "pressing" students.


  1. They're beautiful. I loved doing printing, did you use acrylics for those?

  2. hi stranger glad to see u back online again! yes Open acrylics by Golden they stay wet like oils and are perfect for monoprinting

  3. Magnificent monoprints. Really beautiful and creative.

  4. thanks nora - they are really fun to make! easy too

  5. It was a blast! Thanks for bringing this class to CT!

  6. Hi Patti,
    I saw the pix of your group monoprinting & I'm about to do the same with a group in London a year later...your group looks fab!

  7. Hi Barbara - anytime I teach a monoprinting workshop it is not only fun but the students do such fabulous work! Good luck with it and enjoy:-)
