Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Patience the Lion at NYPL

"Patience" the Lion  12x12" Oil  Click to Bid

I did this piece during my recent plein air painting gig in NYC. The tricky part is that by the time my easel was set up, the light and shadows on the Lion had already changed drastically. That, and the fact that I planted myself smack in the middle of the sidewalk at Fifth Avenue at 42nd street, The New York Public Library, it was quite the hectic atmo. It's truly amazing how once you pop in your headphones and get the itunes cranking, the rest of the world pleasantly drops away -  until a kid trips over your easel leg and jolts you back to reality. I put the people in as an afterthought...Patience looked too lonely by himself. 


  1. Patience and Fortitude---I believe are the names of the lions. I like Louie better. Wonderful work Patti!

  2. I'd say that Patience and Fortitude are descriptions of you on your Park Painting Adventure!
    Another beautiful painting.

  3. OK, I changed the title and - I should have known that! "Louie" is now Patience - a much more befitting name, and he certainly helped me to deal with the setting i was in ha ha! Thanks guys!
