Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Cafe Roma's Pastries

Cafe Roma's Pastries  Acrylic on Gessoboard  8x8"  Click to Bid
Today I taught my last class of the semester at a school in New Jersey. As is often the case during the holidays, we bring in some festive treats to eat - and paint, of course.  One of my students owns pastry shop in Little Italy and brought in a big box of Italian Pastries from the famous "Cafe Roma".  We oooh'd and ahhh'd the beautiful pastries for a while, discussed last week's killer homework, then got a late start painting. We began at 2:15 and had to be done by 3:30. Yikes! Here is the demo I did for for the class, and then promptly proceeded to eat the models, yum!

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