Thursday, January 22, 2015

Upper West Side Corner  15x15",  Acrylic  $300  Click To Buy
I painted this today as practice for an upcoming workshop I'll be teaching late April, called "Bending Reality" about working with color schemes and color strategies. (I haven't posted the workshop yet, but will do so soon.) For some reason, I've always been intrigued with using chosen colors, when I'm not working with hues I actually see.
This is a "Tetrad" color scheme (4 colors) - purple, blue, yellow and red. I worked from a teeny tiny b/w photo taken years ago. I think the painting has the feeling of the scene - and thats what I was after.


  1. Love this painting..I'm signed up for one of your workshops in late April. Is this for that one?

  2. I freakin' love this painting Patti.

  3. Hey Karin - thanks - that means a lot coming from you - I'm flattered! Hope you are well and thanks for making my day :-)
