Monday, May 25, 2015


"Blue Cup" Demo  8x10" Acrylic (SOLD)

"Orange Slices" Demo  8x8"  Acrylic (SOLD)

One of the best things about teaching workshops is the mutual sharing. I share what I know and in return my students share their interpretations of what I am teaching.  I am often most inspired by the so-called "beginners" who interpret the assignments and exercises in such fresh and unexpected ways.

I just returned from teaching a 5 day workshop at Greenville Arms, where I had the pleasure of working with a fabulous group of talented, inspiring, inspired artists. I learned at least as much from them as they (hopefully) learned from me.  We had a great time. They teased me about how I don't blog anymore, so I will try to remedy that.

Above are photos of Day 1's Demos:  The goal was to show how to paint quickly using big brushes (2"), demonstrating my process. Each was completed in less than 25 minutes.

On Day 5, we started out the day doing an exercise where we all worked from the same still life.  The intention was to incorporate the fundamentals that we worked on the previous 4 days: simplified values, value to color translations, brushwork, speed. I gave them verbal instructions, step by step, mostly what value to use, not so much what color to use.   I couldn't see what they were painting and many of them couldn't see what I was painting. What a surprise when I turned around and saw their paintings... WOW!! I wanted a group photo with all these amazing paintings in one shot, here it is, below.


  1. WOW! Is absolutely right! Wow!

    Nice Job Patti!

  2. Patti,
    We feel incredibly fortunate to have been part your Greenville, NY Workshop this May. You are an amazing teacher, immensely talented artist, and such a kind and supportive person. The 5 day workshop flew by and we learned a tremendous amount. Your energy and enthusiasm never wavered and you covered a great deal of material in a very strategic, organized and well thought-out manner. You are truly a gifted person in every sense of the word!! We feel so lucky to have shared the week with you and with our very special workshop group who were all so supportive and fun to be with. Thank you Patti for giving us a "magical" week. We look forward to following your beautiful work and seeing you again--hopefully someday in Maine.
    Nancy and Scott

  3. Nancy - thanks for your kind words :-) It was such a pleasure to spend time with you, Scott and the rest of the gang. I was constantly delighted by the work that was being created, as well as the artists producing it! Hope our paths will cross again sooner rather than later... a trip to Maine sounds inevitable. Stay in touch, Happy painting, Patti

  4. So cool to see the 'same' painting interpreted that many ways all in one photo!
