Friday, August 28, 2015

"On the cover of the..."

"Zig Zag Thru Midtown 2"  14x14"   Buy Info

Well its not the cover of the Rolling Stone, but it's a cover! One of my paintings is featured on the front of City Magazine this season. I like the way the art director coordinated the masthead and text with the colors in the painting.
A nice result of this art usage is that the day after it hit newsstands I was commissioned to do a 60"x60" painting of a panoramic view from a high-rise NYC apartment. This view encompasses all of Long Island City to the east, the UN building in front, Lower east side/FDR, Williamsburg Bridge in the far background all the way to the Empire State building on the West.  Its a total horozontal format that I will be turning into a perfect square. Unfortunately there is an obnoxious Trump building on the far right (naturally). But I'm not concerned, it will be edited out of existence. Artistic license... or maybe artistic revenge...


  1. Congratulations Patti! Great accomplishment! I love following your accomplishments. I am working exclusively in acrylics since I took your class. I refer often to your books that have so much information in them. If I have a question I can usually find the answer in one of them.
    Thanks, MJ Hadley

  2. Thanks so much, Mary Jane - glad you like the books!!

  3. What wonderful news. The cover is fabulous. A 60x60 is huge.

  4. Thanks angie. a little publicity can be a great thing!

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