Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Green Bag

Green Bag in progress  12x12" 

I am blocking in a new painting. Like so many of the things I like to paint, its sort of about nothing, just an everyday moment in life that caught my eye. If I can successfully pull it off, when I start adding color, it will be about the bag, which is bright green and is reflecting that color on to the mother's white pants. I think I will add a "family dog"... or maybe not... since i'm not trying to tell a story.  its just about the bag and the quiet beauty of everyday moments.

Anyone out there remember the flying bag scene in the movie "American Beauty"? It was magnificent in its dramatic mundane-ness.


  1. Thanks for posting this block in process. Looking forward to seeing the color!

  2. Patty---I can't wait to see how you realize that reflected light!
    When you said 'bag' I immediately thought of the American Beauty scene too. Sublime.

  3. Thanks Jill and Susan. i hope the color comes out good. if not... i won't be posting it LOL and yes - that bag scene, wow, sublime is right!

  4. Love the reflection of the green on the mom's pants--

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