Monday, January 10, 2011

More Macs

Whenever I have a new student I do a quickie demo for them, just to show the technique with the big brushes, applying color, being aware of the values, etc. I do try to keep the whole thing within about 1/2 hr -45 min., so they can see how fast it can be, after all thats the name of the class... Here's one I did today for my students. Apples are always a great demo - simple shapes, pretty colors, what could go wrong? (Answer: plenty!) I have to do 4 demos this coming weekend for a large group of seasoned painters... yikes - wish me luck!

More Macs
Acrylic on Canvas 8x10 $150


  1. Love the apples! You really do those so well! And when you say "big brushes", can you give me an example of what you are using size wise on these? I know sizes vary among companies, but when artists say they use "big" brushes, I always want to know how big so I can see if I am using big ones too! haha!

  2. Hi Patti - I can't wait to start class again! I love the background and the wash technique really adds so much to it. Psst...Michael's is having a sale on their canvas. I stocked up yesterday!

  3. Great reds!!I'm like Denise--How big is big?

  4. Hi All I used a 2" brush for everything except for the stems, and I used a 1" brush for that. The canvas itself is 8x10. I did another demo today for a student who took a private lesson and will be joining my studio class - but I hesitate to post it because you'll think I have apples on the brain! The reason I paint them is not just because they are fast but I teach a different value structure each time I paint them, for my own amusement, and to make a point that we can change the values around, we don't have to be a slave to what is in front of us. BTW I use really cheapo brushes - I have a picture of them on my website at
    They come 3 to a pack (3", 2" and 1") and are something like $4.99. I like the silver bristlons too - use those for paintings that have a lot of detail (like the girl at the airport.) If I use smaller brushes I end up putting in more detail so I try to stick with the big ones whever possible. Didn't have time to do a new painting today, other than the demo of the apples. Angela - looking forward to starting class with you and "the gang" soon!

  5. BTW Denise - my paypal account is free, so its not one of the business or premeir types. To make a "buy now" button, I sign in, go to merchant services, click on "create a button" and follow the instructions. It will create html code which you copy and then paste at the end of your blog entry (in the "edit html " mode, not the "compse" mode (or all you will see is the html code in your entry when you go to publish) Hope that is clear...Has anyone have a good experience with selling there? Its very inexpensive to list your work there... just have not gotten around to getting familiar with it, but its on my list (kinda towards the bottom).

  6. part of my above comment got deleted somehow. I mentioned that I was considering listing with Etsy, as I have heard its a good place to sell art.

  7. Wow... love your paintings! Also enjoyed reading about your brushes and technique. Thanks!
