Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Dressed for the Fest

"Festive Fowl"  12x16" Acrylic  Click to View
As we find ourselves in the tail end (sorry, couldn't help myself) of 2013, I hope this finds everyone in a place of cheerful optimism in welcoming in the new year. Myself, I'm grateful to be on this journey of being an artist, and all the new avenues of learning and discovering it constantly serves up. At times it is a frustrating, daunting and downright exacerbating path, but as every artist knows, there is often an unexpected breakthrough just around the bend that sustains the passion to keep pushing the envelope. Thankfully, this path is never boring; new discoveries abound as quickly as we open ourselves to them. Wishing you all happy endings and inspired new beginnings. Cheers!

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