Wednesday, January 1, 2014

How I spent my new years eve 2013

"Effervescent Intersection"  10x12" Acrylic  Click to View

I think the title of this painting may have something to do with the mood of the night. OK, a little bubbly was consumed. I spent it solo, as usual, (not complaining). Hubby had a jazz gig in Times Square and I was not up for the ordeal of the park-o-rama, wall to wall crowds, not to mention it is freezing!!! Staying home with snoring kitties and the fireplace humming away + my paints and brushes seemed like the perfect way to usher in the new year - it was!


  1. Happy New Year to you! I was wondering when you'd get around to your chickens. Love them. May this year be our most creative and prosperous yet! xo

  2. hey thanks you guys --happy painting! bruce when r u moving back to the states? lets try to meet up this year at a worshop or something

  3. Love the city painting, nice feeling of movement and energy. We braved Boston's cold for while, it was bracing, and fun.
