This is still wet (even tho its acrylic) and I'm still in my pajamas. A clear case of TMI (too much information) for sure, but I reveal this only to point out that until I get my daily painting done, it "hangs over my shoulders" ALL DAY. What am I going to paint? When can I squeeze it in? Is it my turn to cook dinner or can I paint at night? etc etc. Since I'm going to Les Miserables tonight -my husband, a bassist, (http://www.markhaganmusic.com) is playing the show and I get a free ticket - that set the stage (no pun intended) for my ramped up schedule, as in 'do it NOW'. So I did.
This is another wonderful little gift from hubby that gets more use as a painting prop than its intended purpose. I will make sure to put a touch of it behind my ears tonight!
Parfum Tocca
Acrylic on Canvas, 6x6"
PS ... he's also an excellent artist http://www.markhaganstudios.com/haganMain.html )
Patti, you are an amazing artist, and I am so glad I know you personally.
Your blog subtitle describes what I love about painting and your little crystal perfume bottle demonstrates it.
It's very nice.
Love it Patti! I hope you have fun at the show! I know you will smell really good with this behind your ears! Hope you are staying warm up there in all the snow.
Thanks, gals. I really enjoyed painting this piece, and getting it done first thing in the morning. it went relatively quick - started at 9:15 and ended at 10:30. its been sitting on my dresser for so long and i kept looking at all those glass facets - yikes! but like anything else, one step at a time, break it down into simply one spot of color next to another spot of color (Charles Hawthorne) and the thing will paint itself
I love seeing brushstrokes in a painting and you have demonstrated it beautifully in your perfume bottle subject! Just beautiful!
Thankyou, Tina. I like seeing brush strokes in a painting too - it gives it a kind of energy. Just finished a large painting of NYC, and I had to use tons of paint and much larger brushes to get the "brushstrokes" effect, will post tomorrow. I need all the energy the brushstrokes can offer me to depict NY, which is all about energy.
ps... gals, - the musical, Les Mis is so awesome. I saw it once a long time ago and sat so far back I couldn't hear or understand what was going on. This time I was closer and what a difference it made. If you ever get a chance to see it - see it - what a masterpiece.
So do you wear an apron with your pj's! LOL Love the perfume bottle - it's perfect!
It was great fun taking your class last week. I think we learned quite a bit and I hope to have some new paintings to show you soon!
:-D eirdre
Awesome - yes, do some 1/2 hour paintings - and don't forget the 2" brushes. One of my students today was struggling and not happy with her work... i gave her 25 strokes to finish the piece and took away her 1" brush and exchanged it for a 2 " - the painting turned out unbelieveable. i took a photo of it, we were all ohhing and ahhing over it! apron? no way, i just end up with paint spatter and blobs on everything I own. my aprons are neat as a pin, go figure !
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