I'm in the process of writing a book about acrylic painting techniques, and my publisher has decreed a "drop dead" date of May 15 for completion of all text and images. Until then, daily painting/blogging will be taking a back seat. It's becoming clear why the deadline is described in those terms. Besides all the writing, I am creating about 50 paintings to illustrate the many unique and beautiful effects made possible through working with, and incorporating acrylic materials like gels, pastes, mediums and special grounds into your artwork. If you have ever been in an art supply store and seen that imposing wall of acrylic products and thought 'what do you do with that stuff?', you will soon know - assuming I survive the rapidly approaching drop dead date.
Red Macs (Sold)
9x12" Acrylic on Canvas
I'm so happy to hear you are writing a book! I hope it incorporates a lot of info on painting 'fast, loose and bold!'
Love these apples! Good luck with your book!
I am an oil painter for the most part, but that is a book I will be checking out for sure!
Hi Gals
the book is going to be about acrylics in general, and how to get various effects using the different viscosities of paint (thick and thin), the many types of gels and pastes (heavy, gloss gel, molding paste, tar gel, etc) and the array of additives. The publisher's intention was to have me explain and show examples of how you use all those products - mostly Golden acrylic mediums, because its so baffling. I know the feeling - i never knew what all that "stuff" was about when I saw it in the art supply stores.
I myself mostly just use the heavy body acrylic paints - they are quite fabulous, very buttery and rich in pigment, without any gels or mediums at all, because I paint traditionally. But the book will explain other options you can try if you want to explore the additives. When this is done, maybe I will write a book specifically on how to paint fast loose and bold - it would be like putting my workshop in a book. hmmmm, what a good idea - thanks!
Those apples are knock out gorgeous! I would have bought that. I guess I am lucky it is already sold.
I want a signed copy of your book, I don't know anything about acrylics. So you can tell your publisher that he's already sold a copy in PARIS.
Angie, you are so sweet to say that - thanks so much! your comments are so appreciated! acrylics are fun, i actually have more fun painting with them than oils but I do get a lot more nuance with the oils. thanks again...
Oh WOW, so you are upping your game! That's brilliant. This should be really good for your career and i wish you all the best with this endeavor.
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