Friday, May 3, 2013

Only the Good Die Young

A Few Good 'Maters   Acrylic on Gessoboard  8x8"  $150  Buy Now  
Every artist knows that at a certain point you stop looking at your subject altogether, and just start giving the painting what it needs.  At that certain point, apparently, the far left tomato rolled off my table and landed near my right foot. Needless to say, the little guy got squished mercilessly, after posing so patiently. Well, life ain't fair. At least he was immortalized in paint -- a better fate than most tomatoes get!


Angela Sullivan said...

Such a rich beautiful painting. Love the colors and lush subject matter.

Bruce Bingham said...

Love this, good thing you paint fast!

Jerry Stocks said...

This is so beautiful it makes my heart sing. The colors are amazing.

Unknown said...

You are hilarious! I love the painting too!

Patti Mollica said...

Thanks you guys - i'm glad you like it. I painted it again last night, much faster, with much bigger brushes. I was shocked that it came out so similar...