Good 'ol Granny - she's always willing to pose for me. In appreciation, I always paint her good side and smooth out the lumps and bumps. Those young plump cherries, so firm and shiny, never need any help.
Granny & Friends
6x6" Acrylic on Board
Thick paint, big brushes, crazy color
Just beautiful.
Great piece Patti. Really like the turquoise foreground. Wonderful brushwork.
thanks gals - giselle - love those m&m's!!!!
The teal light on the apple is great. I love painting granny smiths!
Love the light and the overall composition. Great job!
This has to be one of the most beautiful little studies I've ever seen. I'm so in love with this.
Wow. I want it!
Thanks Aladine! its for sale. Your blog looks interesting, and the drawing website too! Looks like a great drawing course
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