In regards to the "Caroline" post, I want to thank everyone who sent such nice emails, some telling similar stories with both happy and unhappy endings. I don't have time to respond to each and every email, but the show of support was heartwarming... thankyou! (BTW, please consider posting your comments and stories by hitting the "comments" button on the blog, rather than by emails to me, so everyone can see them). The bottom line is, trusting your precious work to an unknown gallery owner is taking a big chance. I learned the hard way.
I have a small works show coming up at my gallery in Provincetown and decided to start painting some more city scenes. We sold 3 NYC paintings last month and I'm starting to run low on "inventory". I had a photo of a street corner in Soho that I liked, and a photo of 3 businessmen in Queens that was also nice. Problem was that the corner photo was taken on a sunny day, the photo of men walking was shot on a cloudy day. My challenge was to make the men look like they fit in the corner scene, including the correct lighting conditions. A bit tricky, but here is the outcome.
Shop Talk
Oil on Board, 8x8" Price on Request
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It all works together well in my opinion. I think if you got too technical about the angle of the sunlight you might loose the mystery of what's outside the frame and the movement the men have in crossing the street. I have no doubt the painting is searching for a new home as we chat! It's fresh, love!
Beautiful. What's the gallery's name?
Thanks Bruce and angie! the gallery is Simie Maryles Gallery in Provincetown MA
Are you coming up for an opening? I'd come down there to meet up! This painting does it all. Great brushstrokes! It just pops!
hey fancy nancy! i'll find out the dates of the show, maybe Mark and I can pop down for the opening. We like to go to P'town every year for a vacation but this year we were real bores - all work, no play, no beach at all. will let you know the details when i do ... that would be fun!
Love this piece Patti. Reminds me of Jurick's work. Your light worked out perfectly.
Another lovely painting
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