"White Cups" Acrylic 8x8" (Sold) |
Today I took a one day workshop on painting whites. There were several still life setups in the room to paint from, all white on white. I chose the cups. It is so fascinating to see all the various shades of subtle colored greys - they are actually there if you look for them, but elusive unless you keep comparing different parts of the setup while painting.
You took a workshop? I love it! Your brushstrokes rock sister! Someday I'll get to take one of your workshops. #pattimollica
pretty cool
Love your work Patti. You teased out beautiful color, as always.
Thanks gals! its a really interesting challenge getting the values right, they lie in so narrow a range.
I love the fact that you took a workshop!
I love to learn and continue to learn. Seems the more I learn the more I can teach.
Glad to hear, too many times I hear a workshop instructor say... oh, I've never taken a workshop....
You do rock!!
wonderful and it's so true, white isn't white for the most part ;)
never taken a workshop? they are missing out on so much to learn... i am an eternal student, love to learn!
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