A couple of weeks ago lots of people, (including myself) were 'busted flat in Baton Rouge waitin' fer a plane', or more specifically, in the New Orleans Airport due to cancelled flights because of snow flurries in Atlanta (snow in Atlanta? and people are denying unusual global weather patterns?) Everyone was freaking out because they were SO inconvenienced. But not this gal - she had the right idea .... make the best of whatever life hands you. And this artist did the same - sketch and take photos of people just being people. I was presented a perfect opportunity to stop and take in the "now" because I had a wonderful few hours to stop, be in the moment, and see life just being itself.
Busted Flat
Acrylic on Canvas, 6x6"
i just at this moment found you on the web . . . i think you are totally 1000 percent fantastic!
Great painting. Looks like my daughter, Ivie. Happy New Year!!!
Thanks! I love the title of your blog and look forward to seeing it. Happy New Year, Patti
Thankyou Jerry. Funny, my husband said he thought it looked like me. And I thought it looked like my gallery owner. Happy new year and happy painting in 2011!
I love this. I just got off a plane yesterday and feel like I saw her in my own travels. love your brushwork
Mary - thanks! I feel for the people who happen to be seated around me in public places - I'm such an art stalker - always looking for good gestures and body language, studying the composition, values, light dark patterns of these unsuspecting models. I must appear to be some type of leering wacko. If only they knew I'm just a harmless obsessed artist :-)
Everyone I know was stuck because of snow this year. Maybe you could have started some airport painting workshop for all my friends and family.
Beautiful painting! as usual!
Hi Patti, I just found your site and your style is much like what I'm attempting lately. I'm curious; did you bring out paints at the airport... take pictures or just remember.
Hi Bonnie
I sketch and take photos. the sketching helps me see the big shapes and whats important. The photos record ALL the information and I get to see more detail than I could possibly record on a fast sketch. Sometimes its really fun just to do paintings from the sketches with no photo reference - it forces me to become more abstract and work more freely. I'm about to buy a camera that will allow me to take better photos in lower light conditions like subways, restaurants, etc. My current camera is for taking photos underwater and inevitably when I'm trying to be stealth, the "%#@* flash goes off and blows my cover. At that point its clearly time to move on...patti
Hi Angie, yes airports, subways, train stations, restaurants, jazz clubs - all great places to get great body language and uninhibited gestures. Being stealth is key - subway trains are the hardest because New Yorkers have an inate sense when they are being watched. I use my cell phone for those situations and work from photos that are so blurry you can barely make out any detail. But its a great exercise for me to have to fill in that information from my memory.
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